Thursday, February 6, 2025

Raspberries and Cream Ice Cream

This is similar to the Vegan Macerated Strawberry Ice Cream recipe, but with raspberries, instead. Because I run the raspberries through a strainer to remove the seeds (they're bad for my diet and I do not like catching them in my teeth), this has a very smooth texture.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Cinnamon Apple Sorbet

Our first stab at this recipe, we used Chinese 5 Spice. The flavor was amazing, but my body apparently does not like that particular spices; I had nasty burps for hours afterward probably because it's derived from seeds. When we did this again, we used cinnamon which sweetened up the flavor and made for an awesome sorbet. Cinnamon works great for me because it is derived from the bark of a tree and not seeds.

When I searched for apple sorbet recipes on the web, I either got AI-generated recipes--which I don' trust--or I got recipes which use pre-made apple pie filling, which is super sugary. This recipe allows us to control the ingredients as desired.

Note, that this recipe is derived from my Tart Apple Sorbet.