Sunday, March 10, 2024

Bacon-wrapped Asparagus

I was in a rush one day to get some food for dinner. In the supermarket, I was scanning through their "ready to eat" and "read to cook" options and found some bacon-wrapped asparagus. It was cheap, likely met my dietary needs, so I took it home to cook it.

The instructions were easy enough, but this first attempt failed to impress. The bacon was too soggy, so I extended the cook time but that dried out the asparagus to a char.

The next time I saw bacon-wrapped asparagus in the store, the bacon was wrapped in a different way which looked like it would cook better. So I took the new style home and had a successful meal.

With the original option, the chef wrapped the bacon around the center of the spears of asparagus like they were tying together a bundle of sticks. The second option had the bacon wrapped more like a barber pole.

I didn't love the bacon: it tasted a little too gamey and wasn't as flavorful as the bacon I typically purchase, so I decided to start making my own bacon-wrapped asparagus. The results are below.