Thursday, January 18, 2024

Migraines and Salad

One of the interesting things which happened since I started my diet is that my migraines have all but disappeared.

Since I was in my mid-teens I have suffered from ocular migraines. For me, the ocular part--called a scotoma--always starts with a spot in the center of my vision where I cannot read or focus any more. That spot would expand, become sparkly, turn into a large crescent, and continue to grow until the crescent exited my vision.

Early on, when the crescent left my visual field, I would get slammed with an excruciatingly painful headache, nausea, and a diminished ability to function for the remainder of the day. After a few years, the excruciating headache and nausea stopped occurring, but I would still be impaired for the remainder of the day. My diminished function usually meant that I would have trouble finding nouns, would have a regular-intensity headache, and would be extra negatively emotionally sensitive (e.g. snippy).