Monday, October 30, 2023

Goat Milk Ice Cream

This particular recipe has been variously called "unctuous," "stinky," and like "moldy laundry." The ice cream definitely leans "goat heavy" which is something that not everyone likes.

Since I am sensitive to cow's milk but not goat milk, I thought this might be a good alternative for me. Because I like the flavor of goat milk, I like the flavor of this ice cream (although I don't love it).

Pineapple, on the other hand, doesn't like the flavor of goat milk, so this ice cream does not work for her.

That being said, this ice cream is definitely an experience which people will talk about. We tried this out with various relatives and friends. They each delighted in seeing each other's reactions to the strong flavors brought by this ice cream. Some people like it. Most do not.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Vegan, Gluten-free Cookies and Cream Ice Cream

It's surprising how well this version of cookies and cream turns out. Typically, Pineapple and I quickly finish off the pint.

This recipe is based off of the recipe for Vegan Coconut Vanilla Ice Cream, so I am supplying a set of short instructions for quick reference

Monday, October 16, 2023

Pineapple Jam

 This is going to be a tricky post to write and read because I need to differentiate between pineapple (the fruit) and Pineapple (the person). But I will try to make sure this is absolutely clear.

I've been making jams, lately, and pineapple was a natural extension of my foray into jam-making. Pineapple worried that this jam would be too sweet, so I took some extra steps to keep the sweetness low, which seems to have worked out wonderfully.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Plumcot Sorbet

I picked up some Speckled Plumcots recently and left them on the counter for a few weeks. They started out with green speckles all over, but after a couple of weeks on the counter they shifted toward a dark red color.

Since they sat out so long, I decided to turn them into a sorbet. This sorbet might be my new favorite! I love the flavor and texture. I also do not need to "re spin" the sorbet so it's extra easy to scoop some out when I want.

When I serve this, I tend to pair it with some grape sorbets.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Papaya Sorbet

I miss papaya from the time that I spent in Thailand. I could get it fresh on the street at just about any time. So when I found that I could buy a bag of frozen papaya at my local Safeway, I decided to see if I could make a sorbet with it.

The flavor isn't strong, but enjoyable!