Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sweet Potatoes

 Since I read the book "The Starch Solution" I have been looking for good starches to incorporate into my diet. I had been consuming a lot of rice but I find that I get a little achy if I eat rice daily. Potatoes and bread are out for me, so that basically leaves sweet potatoes.

Since incorporating these into my diet I often eat an entire medium-sized sweet potato at each meal. I have also found that I have a lot more energy during the day. Pineapple calls me the Energizer Bunny.

Finally, by switching to a very-low-meat, high starch diet, I passed a bunch of kidney stones (about 1 every 4 days). They passed relatively early in my high-starch diet and I haven't had any since, so my suspicion is that my diet was much more alkaline than a high-meat diet and as a consequence of being alkaline those stones started to shrink. When they got small enough they dislodged from my kidney and passed. Thankfully these were small stones and were the easiest for me to pass (I've had several other larger, very painful stones in the past).