Monday, December 23, 2019

Simple Pulled Pork

I've been continuing to experiment with different cuts of meat. I've regularly been buying pork tenderloin as well as pork chops. But those are fairly expensive cuts of meat, especially since I only buy pastured pork.

One of the cuts of pork available is the pork roast, which is a similar size to the beef chuck roast, but significantly less expensive. So one week I decided to just pick one up and see if I could cook it.

I searched the web for sous vide pork roast recipes and I found one for which had a complicated set of instructions. I'm a bit impatient so I decided to drastically simplify the recipe, but it still takes 24 hours to cook.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Jackfruit Smoothie

I lived in Thailand for almost 2 years. One of the things I miss most is the exotic fruits such as lychees, mangosteen, and guava.

Another favorite fruit of mine is jackfruit. The husk is similar in appearance to durian, but tastes a ton better. While wandering the local grocer, I noticed that they had some jackfruit available as pods that I would need to cut up myself. So I picked up a single 17 pound pod (the smaller of the two available).

Cutting it up turned out to be a bit of a challenge. I watched a video and then spent an hour or more carving up the pod. But the results were worth it (though, if you can get a partially-carved pod, that will definitely be easier).

Monday, December 9, 2019

Goat Milk

On this Paleo AIP diet, dairy is out. But from time to time I find myself craving something creamy. Sorbets have too much sugar (which is a no-no on this diet) and cause me to crash, and most coconut ice cream alternatives use guar gum or some other bean-based gum as a stabilizer, and beans and their derivatives are also forbidden.

But, ever on the prowl to see what I can actually eat based on how my body responds to food, I decided to give goat milk a try. I definitely cannot have cow milk because my body has an inflammatory response any time I consume it; my throat produces phlegm as a defense mechanism. But I saw the goat milk kefir and picked it up thinking that maybe the proteins in it are different enough from cow milk that I may be fine.

And fine I was! No response that I could tell; no phlegm and no rashes on my skin.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Leeks and Cabbage

I am continually trying to expand my repertoire of foods I consume. I first have to find foods and then find or create recipes for those foods. Since finding/creating recipes is so time consuming, I don't do it very often and I typically stick to my tried-and-true favorites. But once in a while Pineapple and I concoct a hit.

One week I bought a bundle of 3 large leeks. They sat in the fridge all week, and rather than letting them go to waste, I decided to just chop them up and saute them, just to see how they would turn out. I brought the final creation to Pineapple for her stamp of approval and she said, "They're okay...But they would be awesome with cabbage...And amazing with bacon!"