Monday, August 12, 2019

Grilled Pineapple

When I first embarked on this diet, I would eat pineapple quite frequently. I put it in nearly all of the smoothies I concocted. Once in a while, when I ran out of fresh pineapple, I would use canned pineapple, but I found that my stomach got a little upset whenever I did that.

When I had my hernia surgery during my recovery period I stopped making smoothies. When I started up again I found that my stomach got upset whenever I used pineapple. 🙁 Dang! Another food eliminated...

...Or is it?

Monday, August 5, 2019

Black Currant Smoothie

I love this time of year. All sorts of exotic fruits start to show up in the store (although, only at my special market which is more like an upscale farmer's market...regular stores don't tend to carry these seasonal items).

One of Pineapple's favorites is black currant. The store also carries red and golden currants, but we prefer the flavor of the black currants.