Monday, July 30, 2018

Bakin' Bacon

Do you want perfect bacon every time you cook it? I love this recipe because it requires minimal work and results in a high degree of success. Instead of having to constantly watch the bacon you can "set it and forget it" and end up with perfect bacon.

For my particular oven, I cook my Costco bacon (low sodium) in 2 batches for 17 minutes apiece. But what works for you will probably be different, so be prepared to experiment. However, once you know the right duration you will be able to create perfect bacon any time you want it. Yum!

I started baking bacon this way long before I started my diet. I adapted this recipe from Justin Warner's, "The Laws of Cooking: And How to Break Them".


  • Bacon
  • Cookie sheet
  • Silicone baking sheet or parchment paper (preferred for easy cleanup)
  • Baking rack (optional)
  • Plate
  • Paper towels


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees (350 or 300 for thick-cut bacon)
  2. While the oven is warming, line the cookie sheet with the baking sheet or parchment paper 
  3. If you have one, place the baking rack on top of the sheet/paper
  4. Lay the bacon in a single layer on the sheet/paper/rack
    1. You might cut the bacon in half
  5. Bake the bacon for your perfect duration
    1. While baking, line a plate with 2 layers of paper towels in preparation for later
  6. Remove the bacon from the oven
  7. Transfer the bacon from the cookie sheet to the paper towels
  8. Enjoy!
If you need to cook another batch of bacon then:
  1. Drain the liquid fat from the cookie sheet
    1. If you use the baking rack, you do not need to drain anything
  2. Repeat steps 3 through 7

Finding the Perfect Duration

To find the perfect duration for your particular oven and bacon,

  1. First bake for 15 minutes
  2. If the bacon isn't at the consistency you want, bake for 5 minutes and check again
  3. Continue to check on the bacon every 5 minutes until it is perfect
  4. Remember the total time it took to bake the bacon
  5. Next time (or in your second batch) repeat this timing check, but at 1-minute intervals around the duration you found for step 4.
  6. This final timing is your perfect duration



It's important to let your oven finish preheating before putting the bacon in the oven. If you put the bacon in early then it will take longer for the oven to get to the desired temperature which means it takes longer to get to perfect bacon. In addition, if you make multiple batches then you will have a longer duration for the first batch than the second batch which means you need to remember 2 separate times and you have to remember which time goes with which situation.

Just learn a single perfect duration and make your life easier.

Thick Bacon

If the bacon is too thick you will find that it either blackens before thoroughly cooking, or that it doesn't seem to cook properly. In situations like this I recommend reducing the temperature (to 350 or 300, depending on what works for you). A lower temperature will mean it takes longer to cook, but the bacon will heat all the way through instead of just cooking the outside.

Single Layer

If you try and squeeze the entire pack of bacon onto the cookie sheet you will probably find that there is not enough space to fit the bacon into a single layer. You will also find that cramming the bacon will mean a longer cooking duration and inconsistent results--some of the bacon will cook quickly while other parts will stay uncooked for a long time.

For greater consistency and absolute bacon-y perfection, you should make sure the bacon is in a single layer and that there is some space between each strip. It might take more batches to cook all of the bacon but the results will be better.

Salt Levels

Following this recipe tends to concentrate the salt within the bacon. If you do not like that level of salt then I recommend using a low-sodium bacon.

Some bacon has inconsistent salt levels from batch to batch. You might get a bad batch which has little to no salt--in which case be prepared to salt the bacon after cooking.

Conventional Pork

I recommend employing pasture-raised pork, but finding such bacon can be difficult. So far, the closest I've found is bacon from pigs which are "allowed to root" meaning they live in pens with deep mulch that they can poke their noses into. Allowing a pig to root tells me nothing about the kind of food it ate (and thus the health of the pig). I have tried a few different brands of allowed-to-root bacon, but unfortunately I have not noticed the same big difference in flavor that I noticed with grass-finished beef

Consequently I still use conventional bacon I procure at Costco; it's inexpensive and tastes like bacon. The one big down-side for me is that an hour after eating I feel hungry again. I suspect this hunger is because the bacon is not as nutritious as my body would like.

If I can find a better brand of bacon I will let you know.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Fat is Good; Sugar is Evil

An extremely common modern misconception about food is that eating fat makes us fat. But the truth is: fat makes us thin, and sugar makes us fat. (There is a TL;DR at the end)

Dietary Recommendation History

The idea that fat is bad for us started after U.S. President Eisenhower suffered a heart attack and our nation was looking for an explanation for why he had the heart attack and how to avoid heart attacks.

Scientists quickly pointed out that such heart attacks were/are caused by a buildup of cholesterol within veins. However, no one knew for sure how the cholesterol built up within veins. Two theories were put forward. The first is that consuming a lot of sugar results in cholesterol buildup. The second theory was that consuming fat results in cholesterol buildup.

Scientists settled on the second theory and our society has been transforming itself accordingly ever since. It's an easy-to-understand theory and matches how we intuitively think our bodies work; eat fat and it instantly becomes a part of our bodies, permeating us through and through.

Because of our cultural expectation to reduce our fat intake and companies have been stripping fat out of foods to make them low-fat or non-fat. Removing fat often sacrifices flavor and because flavor predicts nutrients, stripping out fat means stripping out nutrients.

To compensate for the reduced flavor and to keep food appealing, companies often add sweeteners to their products, primarily sugar. That sugar might take the form of apple juice, grape juice, orange juice, or some other healthy-sounding ingredient, but it is sugar nonetheless.

Sugar is the true cause of cholesterol buildup, so substituting sugar for fat unwittingly compounds our national obesity problems.

Digestive Defenses

Our intestines are like our skin. The digestive tract is designed to keep unwanted or unneeded things out of our body. And by "body", in this case, I mean bloodstream. Once something enters the bloodstream it can travel anywhere in the body quickly and can start causing problems almost immediately. Having a strong protective barrier reduces the chances of something getting through.

Mostly this protection results in keeping bacteria out. The acid in our stomachs kills most bacteria which come along with food. To catch the bacteria which might survive the stomach, the intestines have a tight link with the immune system.

This protection also applies to keeping molecules which we cannot use outside of our bodies. Sometimes the intestines will neutralize molecules, sometimes it will transform molecules, and sometimes it will purge molecules (including violently).

On the flip side, the body needs nutrients in order to function. While the digestive tract is keeping bad molecules and bacteria out, it will allow good molecules into the body and will allow good bacteria to continue to live in the gut. Good bacteria will either transform larger or bad molecules into useful molecules, or will neutralize or absorb such molecules.

The intestines are lined with a tight-nit collection of cells which are the primary barrier protecting our bodies. Those cells will absorb molecules from within the intestines, transform the molecules if needed, and pass those transformed molecules through to the other side of the cell and into the bloodstream. When needed, those intestinal lining cells accelerate molecule absorption by loosening their barrier.

The body generates certain molecules which signal the intestinal lining to loosen. Normally those trigger molecules come from via the bloodstream. However, those trigger molecule can also come from external sources. External triggers can be good such as when we consume an NSAID-based pain killer. But external triggers can be bad when the trigger molecules enter our body unintentionally. For example, gluten is such a trigger for people who are either sensitive to gluten or have celiac disease; regular consumption of gluten causes a continual flood of unwanted molecules and bacteria which the body must continually fight. For people with an auto-immune disease, it appears that they are frequently (if not always) sensitive to gluten (although more formal scientific studies need to be performed).

But I digress. The real point is that the intestines are a barrier against unwanted bacteria and molecules and under normal conditions it has a significant amount of control over what molecules are allowed into the bloodstream. Some molecules which it doesn't have control over are those which trigger the intestines to loosen up.

Why Sugar Makes Us Fat

Most foods gathered in nature contain some sugar, and the levels of sugar are manageable by our bodies. We often consume food because we need energy, but it takes different amounts of time to extract the energy we need depending on the source of that energy: sugars, complex carbohydrates, fats, or proteins. Sugars are immediately usable but supply energy for about 20 minutes. Complex carbohydrates produce energy for about 2 hours after consuming them. Fats take about 2 hours to start getting energy from them and they can produce energy for roughly the next 2 hours. Finally, proteins take about 4 hours of processing before the body gets energy from them and they also supply energy for about the next two hours.

Our body absorbs sugar immediately because the body often needs some short-term energy. The energy supplied by an unprocessed food will be enough for the body before it starts getting energy from the consumed carbohydrates.

In modern times, however, humans can extract sugar, concentrate it, and add it to foods. That processing allows food to taste better but also supplies far more sugar than the body needs before the carbohydrates kick in. One of the signs of this oversupply is the so-called "sugar high" we might get, and the following "sugar crash" 30 minutes later.

So why do we get that high and the following crash? Let's look at how the body processes sugar.

Sugar is a molecule which the body readily absorbs into the bloodstream. Common table sugar (sucrose) is made up of 2 separate sugars in equal proportions: glucose and fructose. There are a lot of other sugars, but these are the two I will focus on here because they are the most common both naturally and within the standard American diet.

When we ingest sucrose our body immediately splits it into glucose and fructose. Then several separate proteins in the intestinal lining transport those molecules into the bloodstream.

The absorbed glucose is either consumed by other cells in our body or is transported via insulin into long-term fat storage. If our body detects too much glucose in the bloodstream then it will pump out a lot more insulin to push that glucose into fat cells.

Fructose, is typically absorbed by the liver and it must go through many long chemical processes to be converted into a more-usable structures.

But in short, it looks like glucose must be consumed immediately or driven into cells for later use while fructose sticks around attaching itself to other molecules.

The exact details of how sugar causes obesity are contested in the scientific community. Some studies of fructose have shown a correlation while others have shown no correlation, although the sources of the negative studies are somewhat suspect because they are funded by companies which are heavily invested in sugar as an ingedient.

By the way, carbohydrates (simple and complex, and especially starches) are really chains of sugars (this is a gross simplification, so pay attention to the general ideas here). Our bodies cannot immediately absorb these molecules so our bodies rely on bacteria in its gut to breakdown the carbohydrates into their component sugars. Then those sugars are absorbed into the body. Consequently, lots of carbohydrates will yield lots of sugars...just not as quickly as raw sugar.

Why Fat Makes Us Thin

Fat helps us get thin for a couple of reasons. Most importantly, fat is needed for us to feel satiated. Secondly, fat doesn't immediately cross the intestinal barrier into the bloodstream; the body can choose when to absorb it.

Satiety comes because our bodies feel like they have enough nutrients. Our body needs fats/oils so that cells can manufacture essential molecules (e.g. neurotransmitters). In addition, as mentioned earlier, fat allows our body to have longer-term energy. Because fat is a precursor to essential molecules and it can be used for energy, having enough fat in our food helps our body feel nutritionally satisfied.

When our body is nutritionally satisfied then it feels like its nutritional environment is safe, at which point it can start eliminating its fat reserves.

Bad Fats

Although fat can help us get thin, the kind of fat we consume is an important factor. Fats can also be bad when we consume them in the wrong proportions. There are several different fat categories: saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated.

Saturated fats have a longer shelf-life than the other categories of oil. They also tent to be solid at room temperature. Saturated fats are not necessarily bad, but should be consumed in moderate quantities.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are considered unsaturated because there is room on the molecular chain to accept more hydrogen atoms. A single "kink" in the chain makes it monounsaturated. More than one "kink" makes it polyunsaturated.

Unsaturated fats have a shorter shelf life, are found more abundantly in nature, and are more usable by our bodies. Within the unsaturated fat category there are various sub-categories depending on where the "kink" is in the chain. In particular, the omega-3 and omega-6 variants are the most useful to our bodies because our natural cellular processes easily convert those two variants into other molecules.

We need omega-3 and omega-6 fats, but in a proportion of 1:1 or 1:2 whereas most Americans get a proportion of 1:10; an extreme disproportion. In particular, although omega-6 fats are necessary, they activate inflammatory pathways within our bodies, which is why their proportion should be kept low.

To get the right fat ratios, the recommendation is to get those fats from more natural sources (eat that fat from your steak!). In particular you should eat lots more fish; although you should avoid tilapia. Personally, since I learned how to cook salmon sous vide I get plenty of fish in my diet.


These points about fat and sugar have been reiterated to me from several places. The following books are great references for learning more:
I have not read the "Eat Fat, Get Thin" book, but based on the book's summary it appears to align with my understanding here.

A good movie which explains how sugar is processed by our body and causes weight gain is That Sugar Film.


The reason that fat makes us thin is that our body has control over how much it absorbs; It can control when to convert the fat into more useful molecules as well as when to break the fat down into fuel. On the other hand, sugar makes us fat because the body has trouble controlling how much sugar it absorbs; it will absorb sugars into the bloodstream pretty easily and must either burn it immediately or push the sugars into our fat cells for storage.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Cauliflower Mash

I follow the Paleo AIP diet, but I miss mashed potatoes. Below is a recipe for a sweet potato cauliflower mash which helps me get most of the mashed potatoes experience.

Pineapple, on the other hand, doesn't need to follow the Paleo AIP diet and she prefers the true texture of mashed potatoes which the sweet potato cauliflower mash can't match. Consequently, over several iterations, we built these two recipes together to meet the tastes and needs of our household. The first recipe is Paleo AIP friendly while the second is not.

I prepare both of these together, but with adjusted proportions; across both recipes I use the amount of sweet potatoes and cauliflower that each recipe calls for alone. In other words I use 3 sweet potatoes and 1 bag of cauliflower divided evenly across both batches and then half as much coconut oil and butter. To reduce cross-contamination I cook the medley potatoes in a separate pot--also prepared with water containing 3 pinches of salt. I also first prepare the sweet potato cauliflower mash using the counter-top mixer so that I do not need to clean the mixer before starting the medley-potato containing recipe.

Both of these recipes call for sweet potatoes (a.k.a. yams). There are several different kinds of sweet potatoes available, but what you can purchase varies by store. Typical sweet potatoes are orange but there are varieties which are yellow and others which are white. If you want the prepared food to look more like mashed potatoes then you should purchase Golden Sweet Potatoes which have a white flesh.

When mixing the final mash it is helpful to use a counter-top mixer but you can mix them with a fork, potato masher, or other tools.

Sweet Potato+Cauliflower Mash


  • Water
  • 3 medium-sized sweet potatoes
  • 1 large head of cauliflower or 1-2 bags of cauliflower
  • Salt
  • Coconut Oil (solid at room temperature)


  1. Fill a large pot with water
  2. Add three large pinches of salt
  3. Bring the water to a boil
  4. While the water is heating
    1. Peel the sweet potatoes
    2. Slice them into 1-inch thick chunks
    3. If you bought a head of cauliflower, chop it into smaller florets and chop the main stem into 1-inch thick chunks
  5. When the water is at a boil
    1. Add the chopped sweet potatoes
    2. Add the cauliflower
  6. Wait until the water reaches a boil again
  7. Reduce the temperature to low
    1. The water should have a slight boil from now on; If it isn't still bubbling then the vegetables will not soften much
  8. Set a timer for 30 minutes
  9. After the timer finishes, turn off the heat
  10. Drain the water
    1. I personally use a pasta spoon to scoop the cooked veggies out of the pot and I use a strainer to let them drain
  11. Place the cooked veggies in the counter-top mixer (or some other large container for mixing in your chosen way)
  12. Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of coconut oil (2-3 heaping tablespoons full)
  13. Mix
  14. Serve
  15. Salt to taste

Sweet Potato+Potato+Cauliflower Mash


  • Water
  • 3 medium-sized sweet potatoes
  • 1 large head of cauliflower or 1-2 bags of cauliflower
  • Small medley potatoes
  • Salt
  • 1-2 sticks Butter (depending on desired taste)
  • Sour Cream


  1. Follow steps 1-11 above
  2. At step 5 add roughly the same volume of potatoes as sweet potatoes
    1. When I prepare my half-batches, I use a separate, smaller pot and I add just enough potatoes to cover the pot's bottom
  3. After/while adding the veggies to the mixer, add the butter
  4. Add a few heaping tablespoons of sour cream
    1. I add 1-2 heaping tablespoons for a half-batch
  5. Mix
  6. Serve
  7. Salt to taste


So that ingredients stay within the counter-top mixer while mixing, you may want to cover the mixing bowl after filling it. My in-laws have an attachment which covers the mixing bowl. I, on the other hand, just use 3 pieces of cellophane wrap to cover the bowl.

By the way, I simplified this recipe from a similar one in "The Paleo Approach Cookbook: A Detailed Guide to Heal Your Body and Nourish Your Soul".

Monday, July 9, 2018

Strawberry Limeade Smoothie

Here is another delicious smoothie creation. While on a family vacation, I was bored with their standard smoothie options, so I started requesting that the waiter bring experimental fruit combinations. One of my requests was for a strawberry limeade smoothie, and I loved it. The rest of the family members there ordered the same combination and continued to reorder it for the duration of our trip. Instant success!

Although I love my vanilla lemonade smoothie, I often want other smoothies as well. So, together with Pineapple's discerning tongue, I created the following strawberry limeade smoothie.


  • Lime juice from 1 to 2 limes, depending on desired tartness level
  • 15 average-sized strawberries
  • 1/2 fully ripe avocado
  • Approximately 3 to 8 heaping tablespoons cane sugar, depending on desired sweetness level
  • Ice
  • Water
  • Desired amount of unflavored protein/collagen powder (optional)


  1. Add the cane sugar to the blender. I typically pour until the pile of sugar covers the top of the central post that holds the blade in the Blendtec. You can adjust this to your own preferred sweetness level.
  2. Add the avocadolime juice, and strawberries.
  3. Add/Prepare the protein/collagen powder
    1. If using a brand of protein/collagen powder that doesn't clump in cold water, add the protein/collagen powder to the mixture in the blender. (I use 2 scoops from this brand.)
    2. If using a brand of protein/collagen powder that does clump in water, mix the protein/collagen powder with about 16 oz. of (preferably cool or cold) water following the directions on the container and set the mixture aside. (I use 2 scoops from this powder.)
  4. Add about a 750 milliliters of ice. (I add until the fluid level reaches the top of the Blendtec logo.)
  5. Add water (or the mixture from step 3.2) until the fluid level is about an inch above the 1-liter mark.
  6. Set aside an additional glass/cup with cold water.
  7. Blend until smooth. (The Blendtec has a "smoothie" button for this.)
    1. Warning: If the blender starts to struggle or spin freely--meaning the blender is running but the smoothie mixture is not moving or is sluggish--immediately start adding water from step 6 until the smoothie mixture starts to flow again.
  8. Pour, serve, and enjoy!

Additional Notes


I use a Blendtec blender, but a similar professional blender like a Vitamix will work. 

Lime Juice

When preparing the lime juice, I try to use the lime pulp as well. I slice the limes off-center 3 times so that I get 4 chunks of limes that I squeeze by hand directly into the blender.

Washing Hands

Before I work with food I wash my hands with soap and dry them using a paper towel. Any time I do something which might contaminate my hands--such as interacting with non-food-related items--I rewash my hands. I use paper towels because they are inexpensive and more sanitary than hand towels.

Ice and Water

The ideal ice-to-water ratio will result in a smoothie which has the consistency of yogurt or soft-serve ice cream. If you find the smoothie is too watery then either add more ice next time or cut back on the water added. When there is not enough water then the blender will start to spin freely as mentioned in step 7.1.


The ripeness of the avocado matters. If the avocado is not ripe, then the smoothie will be clumpy, will start to separate, and the flavor will be unsatisfying. If the avocado is ripe, then the smoothie will be satisfyingly creamy and will stay uniform for a long time--at least a half-hour.

I've attempted to use avocado oil in place of the avocado, but that particular smoothie doesn't have the right texture and starts to separate immediately. I've also tried to substitute coconut oil, but that also separates immediately and tends to be clumpy.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Vanilla Lemonade Smoothie

I started experimenting with making smoothies using a high-powered blender. I use a Blendtec blender, but a similar machine like a Vitamix will work. This particular smoothie is one of my first successful creations. I'll be sharing several other smoothies in future posts.

The vanilla used in the smoothie makes a big difference in the flavor. A vanilla extract suspended in glycerin will taste much better than one suspended in alcohol. For instance, Trader Joe's Alcohol-Free Vanilla Extract works well, but I'm not sure they sell it any more. Villa Vanilla produces a "Vanilla Super Extract"--which is a 5X vanilla concentrate--that works well, but I cannot find it online (the label is black).

If you use an alcohol-based extract (e.g. Kirkland Signature Vanilla Extract), the smoothie may end up dominated by the alcohol flavor. In that case you may want to let the smoothie sit for a few minutes after pouring it into serving cups so that some of the alcohol can dissipate.


  • Lemon juice from 1 to 2 lemons, depending on desired tartness level
  • 1/2 fully ripe avocado
  • Approximately 3 to 6 heaping tablespoons cane sugar, depending on desired sweetness level
  • 3 tablespoons vanilla extract (preferably alcohol-free)
  • Ice
  • Water
  • Desired amount of unflavored protein/collagen powder (optional)


  1. Add the cane sugar to the blender. I typically pour until the pile of sugar until it reaches the top of the central post that holds the blade in the Blendtec.
  2. Add the avocado, lemon juice, and vanilla.
  3. Add/Prepare the protein/collagen powder 
    1. If using a brand of protein/collagen powder that doesn't clump in cold water, add the protein/collagen powder to the mixture in the blender. (I use 2 scoops from this brand.) 
    2. If using a brand of protein/collagen powder that does clump in water, mix the protein/collagen powder with about 16 oz. of (preferably cool or cold) water following the directions on the container and set the mixture aside. (I use 2 scoops from this powder.)
  4. Add ice up to the 1-liter mark.
  5. Add water (or the mixture from step 3.2) until about an inch above the 1-liter mark.
  6. Set aside an additional glass/cup with water.
  7. Blend until smooth. (The Blendtec has a "smoothie" button for this.)
    1. Warning: If the blender starts to struggle or spin freely--meaning the blender is running but the smoothie mixture is not moving or is sluggish--immediately start adding water from step 6 until the smoothie mixture starts to flow again.
  8. Pour, serve, and enjoy!

Additional Notes

Lemon Juice

When preparing the lemon juice, I try to use the lemon pulp as well. However, I also strain out the seeds, because I cannot eat them on my diet. I only keep the lemon pulp when I can separate it from the seeds without trouble.

Ice and Water

The ideal ice-to-water ratio will result in a smoothie which has the consistency of yogurt or soft-serve ice cream. If you find the smoothie is too watery then either add more ice next time or cut back on the water added. When there is not enough water then the blender will start to spin freely as mentioned in step 7.1.


The ripeness of the avocado matters. If the avocado is not ripe, then the smoothie will be clumpy, will start to separate, and the flavor will be unsatisfying. If the avocado is ripe, then the smoothie will be satisfyingly creamy and will stay uniform for a long time--at least a half-hour.

I've attempted to use avocado oil in place of the avocado, but that particular smoothie doesn't have the right texture and starts to separate immediately. I've also tried to substitute coconut oil, but that also separates immediately and tends to be clumpy.

Isn't Vanilla a Seed?

On my diet I am supposed to avoid eating seeds, especially because I have found that I am sensitive to at least some nuts and most seeds--I get flu symptoms or rashes. However, vanilla flavoring is derived from the seeds of a vanilla plant.

What gives?

Most seeds are designed by nature to survive digestive tracts so that they can sprout somewhere else. Consequently, they contain chemicals which loosen the digestive tract and cause the food to move through more quickly.

Vanilla extract does not contain vanilla seeds. Vanilla seeds may or may not have the protective properties that other seeds possess. I haven't tried vanilla seeds so I haven't been able to see if they have an inflammatory effect on me.  Regardless, vanilla extract does not seem to generate an inflammatory response in my body, so I am fine consuming vanilla.