Thursday, August 25, 2011

New Old Favorite at Olive Garden

Most frequently, when we dine at the Olive Garden, we go with my parents. My mom LOVES the Eggplant Parmesan. I'm not such a fan of their marinara, but it's a lot better than the vomit-flavored version at Carabba's. Since I was in high school, my standby at the OG has been Chicken Fettucini Alfredo. However, that changed soon after my husband and I married last year.

On that fateful day, my husband dared the Braised Beef and Tortelloni. Oh. My. Goodness. That dish is pure heaven. The beef just melts in your mouth, and the flavors and textures are perfectly blended. And it's been good at several different Olive Garden restaurants... Never had a bad batch, and I now order it almost every time I go there.

Add some Gnocchi Soup and Breadsticks, and life just doesn't get much better.

Unless perhaps you try the Black Tie...


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

No More Waiting for Girl Scout Season!

You know those people who just can't wait for Girl Scout season, so they can stock up on a year's supply of yummy cookies? Well, I happen to be one of them. My demon of choice is Samoas... I love the blend of crunchy cracker with smooth caramel and textured, perfectly cooked coconut. Mmmm! I can believe in the idea of ambrosia, the food of the gods, if they were eating something like Samoas....

Unfortunately, my year's supply typically only lasts for a month, and then I go back to craving Samoas and not being able to get my fix.

Well, for those of you who feel similarly, I have some great news! On a recent trip to the grocery store, I happened to see a cookie that looked remarkably like the Samoas: Keebler's Fudge Shoppe Coconut Dreams. So, I bought a package to try them out.

Oh, man! Coconut Dreams is an excellent name choice. They are seriously delish, and I would swear they're practically a dead ringer for the Girl Scouts' Samoas. They certainly filled my craving! And the best news is... they're available all year round!
