Friday, September 9, 2011

Disposable Popcorn Bowls

Orville Redenbacher has created an amazing new product that is a slight twist on the company's existing microwave popcorn bags. I learned about this invention from a commercial but initially thought nothing of it. Then, I inadvertently bought some.

Instead of opening the popcorn bag at the end, you open it on the side so the bag becomes a bowl.
Pretty clever, but it feels so obvious that I now wonder why it hasn’t been done before.

This bowl solves the persistent problem I have had with bags of popcorn: I always have to pour the contents into a bowl so my knuckles aren't coated in slimy butter and gritty salt as I grab handfuls of popcorn. Now I don’t need an extra bowl, and only my fingertips get gunky.  Those are much easier to lick clean. =)


Thursday, August 25, 2011

New Old Favorite at Olive Garden

Most frequently, when we dine at the Olive Garden, we go with my parents. My mom LOVES the Eggplant Parmesan. I'm not such a fan of their marinara, but it's a lot better than the vomit-flavored version at Carabba's. Since I was in high school, my standby at the OG has been Chicken Fettucini Alfredo. However, that changed soon after my husband and I married last year.

On that fateful day, my husband dared the Braised Beef and Tortelloni. Oh. My. Goodness. That dish is pure heaven. The beef just melts in your mouth, and the flavors and textures are perfectly blended. And it's been good at several different Olive Garden restaurants... Never had a bad batch, and I now order it almost every time I go there.

Add some Gnocchi Soup and Breadsticks, and life just doesn't get much better.

Unless perhaps you try the Black Tie...


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

No More Waiting for Girl Scout Season!

You know those people who just can't wait for Girl Scout season, so they can stock up on a year's supply of yummy cookies? Well, I happen to be one of them. My demon of choice is Samoas... I love the blend of crunchy cracker with smooth caramel and textured, perfectly cooked coconut. Mmmm! I can believe in the idea of ambrosia, the food of the gods, if they were eating something like Samoas....

Unfortunately, my year's supply typically only lasts for a month, and then I go back to craving Samoas and not being able to get my fix.

Well, for those of you who feel similarly, I have some great news! On a recent trip to the grocery store, I happened to see a cookie that looked remarkably like the Samoas: Keebler's Fudge Shoppe Coconut Dreams. So, I bought a package to try them out.

Oh, man! Coconut Dreams is an excellent name choice. They are seriously delish, and I would swear they're practically a dead ringer for the Girl Scouts' Samoas. They certainly filled my craving! And the best news is... they're available all year round!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Spicy McChicken Flames

A week ago Pickles came home from an evening of running errands. On his way home, he stopped at a McDonald’s and placed an order for himself and Pineapple. The order consisted of 2 cheeseburgers and a Chicken Selects sandwich.

The orders were a little behind, so Pickles went around the corner to fill the drink cups, and then wait for the order to be ready. The girl behind the counter seemed to be having trouble because she dropped part of a basket of freshly-cooked fries on the floor and had to throw them out. Pickles wondered if this was her first day. A little while later, the girl brought out the order and Pickles headed home.

By the time Pickles arrived at home, Pickles and Pineapple were both past ready to eat. When they opened the McDonald’s bag, they discovered a double cheeseburger, a spicy McChicken, and a Mushroom and Swiss Angus burger. The counter girl must have had a really rough day.

Pickles and Pineapple needed to decide what to do. Pickles could spend a half-hour taking the order back and getting the correct order, or Pickles and Pineapple could just eat what was delivered. Rather than spend the time to get the correct selection, Pineapple proposed rather matter-of-factly, “You have the mushroom burger, I’ll have the double cheeseburger, and the Spicy McChicken can go to hell.”

Wow! Strong words for a simple sandwich. Pineapple is not prone to swearing, particularly about food. Pickles found the statement so shocking that he couldn’t stop laughing for the rest of the evening.

After some discussion about Pineapple’s derisive statement, Pickles decided to eat the Spicy McChicken to see if it really deserved to “go to hell.”

After two bites, he agreed. The sandwich is overly spicy without reason. The flavor is more like cardboard underneath, and the spice just seems to be there to cover that fact. Now, as far as Pickles and Pineapple are both concerned, Spicy McChickens belong in hell. ‘Nuff said.

And Pickles is still laughing…

Candy Cravings

Pickles and Pineapple have recently been going through a phase where they sample unique candies--the kind of short-lived flavor experiments that can help or hurt a candy company or brand. These are our oh-so-biased research findings.

Cordial Blueberries -- Miserable fail! When you have Cordial Cherries, why mess with a good thing?

Coconut M&Ms -- Love them, LOVE THEM, LLLLOOOOOVVVVEEE TTTHHHHEEEEEMMM!!! Pickles and Pineapple have each eaten a whole one-pound bag in a single sitting, much to their hips' chagrin...

PB&J M&Ms -- Mixed feelings. Pickles used to like them (enough to share them with Pineapple when they were dating), but he now doesn't remember them. Pineapple is ambivalent.

Reese's FastBreak Bar -- Muy fabuloso! Pineapple would eat these perfect mixes of Rolos with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups all day, any day!

Reese's Crispy Crunchy Bar -- The epitome of nastiness. Pickles and Pineapple don't know what they did to ruin a perfectly good candy, but this stuff is just gross and has a foul aftertaste. Think of a Butterfinger gone bad...

Three Musketeers Truffle Crunch -- Lighter, fluffier, with a snappy crunch at the end. Incredible!!! Making a regular Three Musketeers bar better was practically unimaginable, but this bar is IT!!!

Cherry Cordial Kisses -- Perfect cherry cordials without the sliminess of the cherry! Pineapple is in heaven...

Pineapples, Coconuts, and the Kookaburra

This past Thanksgiving, Pickles and Pineapple went on a vacation to Acapulco, Mexico. Aside from lounging around on the beach, playing in the waves, catching up on sleep, and reading non-work-related books, Pickles and Pineapple had a couple of culinary adventures.

Arguably their favorite part of resort living was happy hour. Although they had to convince the wait staff that they really weren't interested in alcoholic bevvies, the resort served some excellent drinks. Pickles loved their lime margaritas, and Pineapple craved... can you guess??!... their pinas coladas. That's definitely on the top of her most-missed list.

Pineapple's birthday also happened during that week of unadulterated rest and relaxation. In celebration, she, Pickles, and her family went to the Kookaburra, a restaurant that looks out over Acapulco Bay and that serves some of the best cuisine in Acapulco. The restaurant is named for the live kookaburra birds, imported from Australia, that live in the main room of the establishment. And, the food and desserts are to-die-for!

So, if any of you happen to be in Acapulco and want an excellent, unique eating experience with fabulous wait staff and incredible ambiance, the Kookaburra is a must-try!

Pickles & Pineapple Picks | Top 10 for 2010

Scrum-diddly-umptious Desserts, common and unusual.

10. Strawberry Cheesecake Milkshake at Arctic Circle
9. Rum Nougat Chocolates from See's Candies
8. Zesty Lemon Sorbet from Haagen Dazs
7. Praline Pecan Pumpkin Pancakes at International House of Pancakes
6. Fried Ice Cream at Mi Ranchito
5. Egyptian Baklava at Cafe Med
4. Diablo Verde at Los Hermanos
3. Lime Curd Jelly from Dickinson's
2. Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookie Dough at Nelson's Frozen Custard
1. Maple Butter Blondie at Applebee's

Appetizers and Entrees that are tres magnifique!

10. Fried Zucchini at Red Robin
9. Gyros at Burgers Supreme
8. Coconut Shrimp at Red Lobster
7. Pad-See-Ew at Sawadee
6. Teriyaki Burger at Carl's Jr.
5. Waldorf Salad at California Pizza Kitchen
4. Steak Don Buri with Tempura Vegetables at Shoga
3. Crispy Green Beans with Black Bean Sauce at P.F. Chang's
2. Pumpkin Curry at Thai Drift
1. Prosciutto Stuffed Chicken at Chef's Table

Honorable Mentions:

Lemon Chicken at China Isle
Jalapeno Poppers with Jalapeno Jelly at Ruby River Steakhouse
Fried Cheesecake at La Costa
Salmon Sans Salt at Texas Roadhouse
Salad Bar at Ruby Tuesday