Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pickles & Pineapple: More than a Title

The title of this blog is purposeful. My wife (Pineapple) and I (Pickles) are busy professionals, and we eat out frequently. We both tire of the standard fare and like to try new places and interesting dishes. But I am something of a unique case. I really like to have different culinary experiences.

We love the Pita Pit, a Subway-like eatery where customers select their meat and then pick all the other vegetables and sauces that will be wrapped in the pita. My wife has a particular order she prefers, but I like to experiment.

One of my recent experiments involved putting both pickles and pineapple chunks in the pita. Although the flavor combination is definitely unique, I actually don’t like it very much. I’ve ordered it twice just to be sure.

However, one definite positive has emerged from that twice-tried pita--a unique and memorable title for our food review blog!

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