Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Vanilla Lemonade: Delight or Disaster?

Pineapple likes soft drinks, and Pickles loves lemonade. But, Pickles has become increasingly picky about his lemonade. Minute Maid lemonade is too sweet, and he just can't drink it anymore.

When restaurants have fresh-squeezed lemonade, however, the drink is often too tart. To take the edge off, Pickles has started asking for a vanilla flavor shot. That typically earns him a weird look from the waiter, who's generally willing to indulge him. Occasionally, when the cook is doubling as a waiter, he is more than a little intrigued.

For Pickles, the vanilla mitigates the sharpness of the lemonade without making it too saccharine. Pickles personally really likes it, but some others do not. Tastes can be so different.

Feel free to try vanilla lemonade and let Pickles and Pineapple know how you like it...

Pickles & Pineapple: More than a Title

The title of this blog is purposeful. My wife (Pineapple) and I (Pickles) are busy professionals, and we eat out frequently. We both tire of the standard fare and like to try new places and interesting dishes. But I am something of a unique case. I really like to have different culinary experiences.

We love the Pita Pit, a Subway-like eatery where customers select their meat and then pick all the other vegetables and sauces that will be wrapped in the pita. My wife has a particular order she prefers, but I like to experiment.

One of my recent experiments involved putting both pickles and pineapple chunks in the pita. Although the flavor combination is definitely unique, I actually don’t like it very much. I’ve ordered it twice just to be sure.

However, one definite positive has emerged from that twice-tried pita--a unique and memorable title for our food review blog!