Thursday, February 6, 2025

Raspberries and Cream Ice Cream

This is similar to the Vegan Macerated Strawberry Ice Cream recipe, but with raspberries, instead. Because I run the raspberries through a strainer to remove the seeds (they're bad for my diet and I do not like catching them in my teeth), this has a very smooth texture.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Cinnamon Apple Sorbet

Our first stab at this recipe, we used Chinese 5 Spice. The flavor was amazing, but my body apparently does not like that particular spices; I had nasty burps for hours afterward probably because it's derived from seeds. When we did this again, we used cinnamon which sweetened up the flavor and made for an awesome sorbet. Cinnamon works great for me because it is derived from the bark of a tree and not seeds.

When I searched for apple sorbet recipes on the web, I either got AI-generated recipes--which I don' trust--or I got recipes which use pre-made apple pie filling, which is super sugary. This recipe allows us to control the ingredients as desired.

Note, that this recipe is derived from my Tart Apple Sorbet.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Tart Apple Sorbet

I wanted to make an apple sorbet with my Ninja CREAMi, and so I searched the web for recipes. I found several recipes but as I read them I quickly determined they were each generated by AI. The automation clearly did not understand how to differentiate between standard freezer ice cream and a Ninja CREAMi recipe, and so it generated an unholy union of the two. Ugh.

So, this recipe is my own creation with input from Pineapple. This recipe works and is delicious. According to Pineapple, the front-end texture has a hint of mushy apple, but overall the texture is super smooth; as though it has some sort of cream in it. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Bacon-wrapped Asparagus

I was in a rush one day to get some food for dinner. In the supermarket, I was scanning through their "ready to eat" and "read to cook" options and found some bacon-wrapped asparagus. It was cheap, likely met my dietary needs, so I took it home to cook it.

The instructions were easy enough, but this first attempt failed to impress. The bacon was too soggy, so I extended the cook time but that dried out the asparagus to a char.

The next time I saw bacon-wrapped asparagus in the store, the bacon was wrapped in a different way which looked like it would cook better. So I took the new style home and had a successful meal.

With the original option, the chef wrapped the bacon around the center of the spears of asparagus like they were tying together a bundle of sticks. The second option had the bacon wrapped more like a barber pole.

I didn't love the bacon: it tasted a little too gamey and wasn't as flavorful as the bacon I typically purchase, so I decided to start making my own bacon-wrapped asparagus. The results are below. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Migraines and Salad

One of the interesting things which happened since I started my diet is that my migraines have all but disappeared.

Since I was in my mid-teens I have suffered from ocular migraines. For me, the ocular part--called a scotoma--always starts with a spot in the center of my vision where I cannot read or focus any more. That spot would expand, become sparkly, turn into a large crescent, and continue to grow until the crescent exited my vision.

Early on, when the crescent left my visual field, I would get slammed with an excruciatingly painful headache, nausea, and a diminished ability to function for the remainder of the day. After a few years, the excruciating headache and nausea stopped occurring, but I would still be impaired for the remainder of the day. My diminished function usually meant that I would have trouble finding nouns, would have a regular-intensity headache, and would be extra negatively emotionally sensitive (e.g. snippy).

Monday, November 6, 2023

Vegan Macerated Strawberry Ice Cream

The flavor of this ice cream is spectacular. Pineapple and I love the taste and texture. Pineapple states that she could "mainline it". Unfortunately, I am sensitive to strawberry seeds so I can only consume this once per week or I pay a digestive price.

One peculiar thing to note is that coconut enhances the strawberry flavor. So although you could substitute standard dairy cream for the coconut cream, I do not recommend doing that. You will enjoy the flavor of this ice cream more if you use coconut cream.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Goat Milk Ice Cream

This particular recipe has been variously called "unctuous," "stinky," and like "moldy laundry." The ice cream definitely leans "goat heavy" which is something that not everyone likes.

Since I am sensitive to cow's milk but not goat milk, I thought this might be a good alternative for me. Because I like the flavor of goat milk, I like the flavor of this ice cream (although I don't love it).

Pineapple, on the other hand, doesn't like the flavor of goat milk, so this ice cream does not work for her.

That being said, this ice cream is definitely an experience which people will talk about. We tried this out with various relatives and friends. They each delighted in seeing each other's reactions to the strong flavors brought by this ice cream. Some people like it. Most do not.